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Robot sub aims for deepest ocean

"A robotic submarine is undergoing final preparations to dive to the deepest-known part of the oceans."

Category: Robotics


Why global warming could make or break south-east Asia

"South-east Asia has the most to lose from global warming but could gain much by developing a low-carbon future"

Category: Climate Change


GCHQ denies snooping claim

"• £1bn scheme will defend UK interests • 'No plan for database of all communications data'"

Category: Communications


Debris: How satellites could 'sail' home

"Satellites and spent rocket stages could soon deploy "sails" to guide them back to Earth much faster than they would otherwise fall out of the sky."

Category: Space


Texas wind farm pioneers radar technology to protect migrating birds

"US wind farms kill about 7,000 birds a year but radar systems developed for Nasa can prevent fatal collisions by detecting approaching birds and analysing weather conditions"

Category: Energy sources

Displaying results 1251 to 1255 out of 2977